Thursday, June 30, 2011

Trouble Install VGA Laptop Toshiba Satellite L740

Mungkin bagi kita yang membeli laptop atau notebook dari vendor Toshiba, kita tidak mendapatkan CD/DVD Drivernya. Kenapa ?
Mungkin itu karena vendor Toshiba tersebut menginginkan produknya tersebut langsung di install OS original. Selain itu mungkin mereka (Toshiba) menginginkan kita selaku pemakai untuk mendownload langsung dari websitenya. Hal tersebut bisa menjadikan ranting website Toshiba tersebut menjadi tinggi.
Oke, cukup deh basa-basinya, kita langsung aja ke inti permasalahanya. Masalanya disini adalah mengapa meski kita sudah mendownload driver toshiba satellite L740 dari website toshiba tetap tidak bisa terinstall. Disini saya akan menjelaskannya. Disini saya pakai OS Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit, bagi anda yang menggunakan Windows 7 32bit juga bisa mengikutinya. Berikut adalah langkah-langkahnya :
  1. Driver VGA Toshiba Satellite L740 menggunakan dirver dari Intel HD Grapich. Untuk mendownload driver tersebut, kita langsung saja dowload dari website resmi intel. Untuk mempermudah, ini saya kasih linknya berikut ini : Intel HD Grapich Windows 7 Ultimate 64 Bit, Intel HD Grapich Windows 7 Ultimate 32 Bit.
  2. Besar filenya sekitar 62 MB. Setelah selesai downloadnya, kita tinggal install seperti biasa. Kita tinggal next dan next.
  3. Setelah selesai instalasi pasti akan ada permintaan untuk mereboot. Restart leptop untuk menyimpan setingan. 
  4. Selesai.
Mohon maaf saya tidak bisa menjelaskan dengan gambar, karena leptop yang saya install nya sudah di bawa sama yang punya :D. Dan apabila anda sudah mengikuti langkah di atas tapi masih juga belum bisa terinstall driver VGA tersebut, silahkan hubungi saya dengan mengisi comment di bawah. Mungkin nanti saya bisa membantu. Maklum saya juga sambil belajar. Belajar dari pengalaman.

download 2PM - Hands Up Album Cover Mp3

2PM - Hands Up Album Cover Mp3


Artist: 2PM
Genre: Dance Pop
Language: Korean
Release Date: 2011.06.20
File Size: 103MB

Track List :
01 Hands Up
02 Electricity
03 Give It To Me
04 영화처럼
05 모르니
06 Hot
07 Without U
08 I’ll Be Back
09 I Can’t
10 Hands Up (East4A mix)
11 Electricity (220v mix)
12 Thank You
13 Don’t Stop Can’t Stop


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download BEAST – Bad Girl (Japanese Ver.) [Limited Edition B+C]

BEAST – Bad Girl (Japanese Ver.) [Limited Edition B+C]


Artist: BEAST
Genre: Dance Pop
Language: Korean
Release Date: 2011.06.25
File Size: 22MB

Track List :
Edition B:


Edition C:


Download Edition B:

Mirror #1:

Mirror #2:

Download Edition C:

Mirror #1:

Mirror #2:

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download 2NE1 - I Am The Best (320Kbps CD Version)

2NE1 - I Am The Best (320Kbps CD Version)

【歌手名字】: 2NE1
【歌曲名称】: I Am The Best
【歌曲格式】: MP3
【歌曲大小】: 7.98 GB
【音乐品质】: 320Kbps

Track List:
01. 2NE1 - I Am The Best

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WGM Woojung couple Episode 4

WGM Woojung couple Episode 4

Setelah pulang dari makan kepiting jangwoo dan eunjung melanjutkan perjalanan,
lagi2 si eunjung bahas soal nama panggilannya ( pengen banget kayaknya dipanggil gongjunim *princess* kasian)
lalu jangwoo mengusulkan gimana kalo Eunjung di panggil Baekgu *white dog* wkwkwkwk,
tapi akhirnya jangwoo memutuskan memanggil eunjung dengan chagiya *sayang*
setelah sampai rupanya jangwoo ngajak kemah lagi, eunjung menanggapi dengan muka bosan dan malas,
kayaknya eunjung dah bosan di ajak kemah lagi, eunjung bilang ke jangwoo bagaimana mereka cuci muka, gosok gigi,
dan mandi kalau di kemah *yang eunjung harapkan menginap di rumah sebenarnya bukan tenda* kata jangwoo bukankah mereka dah ngambil air gunung,
suasana hati eunjung kayaknya benar2 buruk bahakan eunjung berteriak pada kincir angin yang ada di sana karena berisik *eunjung marah ma benda mati*,
lalu eunjung menyetel musik dan ikut menyanyi di lirik goodbye now, jangwoo nanya apa kata goodbye ditujukan buat dia,
kata eunjung bukan tapi goodbye buat rumah, saat tenda udah selesai eunjung masih bad mood dan ada suara burung2 yang berisik,
eunjung lalu ngomong ke burung2 "diamlah, unnie sedang marah dan sensitif" *udah mau gila kayaknya si jungie masa burung di ajak ngomong juga*
eunjung bilang dia dah nyiapin piyama pasangan, gimana mau makenya klo mereka nginap di tenda, kata jangwoo dia juga dah nyiapin kantong tidur pasangan sebagai gantinya wkwkwk
lalu eunjung dan jangwoo jalan2 di sekitar tempat itu lalu mereka melihat penginapan kapsul, eunjung melihat isinya dan pengen menginap di sana,
kata eunjung dia lebih suka di sana daripada di tenda, jangwoo yang gak tega melihat muka eunjung yang bersemangat akhirnya mesan satu kamar,
tapi gantian malah jangwoo yang kayaknya ngambek soalnya jangwoo benar2 pengen di tenda, eunjung lalu berusaha menghibur jangwoo
dan jangwoo bilang "kamu tidak mengerti perasaanku" kata eunjung dia kan gak salah yang mesan kamar kan si jangwoo.
lalu mereka masak makan malam, eunjung memasak nasi dan jangwoo memasak ikan panggang dan ramen kepiting.
saat makan suasana hati mereka berdua sudah membaik, kata eunjung makanannya enak, lalu jangwoo menyindir eunjung mengatakan
itu lah kelebihan berkemah,memasak susah payah sehingga rasa makanannya lebih enak.
gak sabar nunggu yang minggu depan mereka pindah ke penginapan kapsul >.< link donlot WGM woojung couple episode 4 part 1: part 2:!/video/video.php?v=158936554170080 preview epi 5:

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Top 20 Kpop - June (Week 4) [2011]

Top 20 Kpop - June (Week 4) [2011]

Intro: Marshmallow - IU

20. Rainy Heart - Heo Young Seang *NEW*
19. Covering Those Lips - 8eight *NEW*
18. Only Learned Bad Things - B1A4
17. Boyfriend - Boyfriend
16. Silly Boy - 015b + 4Minute feat. Junhyung (BEAST) *NEW*
15. Lonely - 2NE1
14. Hello Hello - FT Island
13. Fiction -- BEAST
12. Masquerade -- RaNia
11. Ice Flower -- IU & Kim Yuna *NEW*
10. Starlight Moonlight -- Secret
9. Once While Living -- 4Men
8. Midnight Circus -- Sunny Hill
7. SokSokSok -- UEE (After School) *NEW*
6. Close Ur Mouth -- M&D *NEW*
5. It Girl -- Apink *NEW*
4. Hot Summer -- F(x)
3. Sweet Dream -- Rainbow *NEW*
2. Hands Up -- 2PM *NEW*
1. Tell Them -- Block B *NEW*

- Brammeren

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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Redirect Router Mikrotik Ke Proxy Server

Duh sebenarnya saya malu nih mosting artikel ini, karna saya belum bisa membuat Proxy Server. Terapi saya hanya menjelaskan tentang cara meredirekannya saja. Mungkin Sebentar lagi saya juga akan bisa membuat server Proxy, Amien. Ya udah deh... kita mulai saja caranya, pasti dari tadi dah gak sabarkan, he.. Ya udah deh, ini dia caranya :

Pastikan sudah ada server Proxynya, he... ya dah pasti ada yah, kan mu nyeting itu.
[admin@projas] > ip firewall nat add chain=dstnat in-interface=local src-address=! protocol=tcp dst-port 80 action=dst-nat to-addresses= to-ports=3128
Keterangannya : adalah IP address server Proxy. Dan kenapa kok di depannya pake tanda (!), ini kalo gak salah karena ada 2 network. Hel.. maaf yah.. kalo misalkan salah. Maklum baru networkergadungan.

Trus yang kedua untuk tujuan server Proxy tersebut, caranya :

[admin@projas] > ip firewall nat add chain=srcnat out-interface=local src-address= antion=src-nat to-addresses= to-ports=0-65535

Keterangannya : adalah network tujuan Proxy tersebut, dan adalah IP address router.

Kemudian lihat setingan tersebut, dengan cara :

[admin@projas] > ip firewall nat print
0  chain=dstnat in-interface=local src-address=! protocol=tcp dst-port 80 action=dst-nat to-addresses= to-ports=3128
1 chain=srcnat out-interface=local src-address= antion=src-nat to-addresses= to-ports=0-65535
Apabila setingan tersebut sudah ada di Mikrotik anda maka setingan sudah benar. Terima kasih sudah membacanya yah... maaf kalo misalkan gak jalan. Da aku mah sudah jalan. he....
Sampai jumpa di postingan yang lain yah... trus kunjungi blog saya ini yah.....

Blok IP Address di Mikrotik

Baiklah iseng-iseng posting nih, sekarang aku mau ngejelasin cara memblok IP address di Mikrotik Router OS. Tapi sebelumnya maaf yah apabila tatacara nya kurang mengurut, karena ini mah hasil percobaan aku sendiri. He... Ok gak usah basa basi lagi lah... langsung saja kita mulai tata caranya. Dan berikut adalah langkah langkahnya :

Pertama tama buat dulu IP filternya, supaya memblok ip tersebut.
[admin@projas] > ip firewall filter add chain=input src-address-list=BLOK action=drop
[admin@projas] > ip firewall filter add chain=forward src-address-list=BLOK action=drop
setelah itu lihat apakah setingan tersebut sudah benar. Caranya :

[admin@projas] > ip firewall filter print
0 chain=input src-address-list=BLOK action=drop
1 chain=forward src-address-list=BLOK action=drop
Apabila setingan tersebut sudah sama dengan yang di Mikrotik anda, maka setingan sudah benar.
Langkah selanjutnya adalah memblok IP address satu persatu. Dan caranya adalah sebagai berikut.
misalkan kita akan memblok IP address berikut adalah caranya :

[admin@projas] > ip firewall address-list add address= list=BLOK disable=no
dan seterusnya, kita tinggal mengganti addressnya saja dengan IP address yang akan kita blok.

Itu saja mungkin yang bisa saya jelaskan mengenai cara memblok IP address di Mikrotik. Apabila ada masalah bisa hubungi saya lewat YM.

Setting DHCP Di Mikrotik

Kali ini saya akan menerangkan bagaimana caranya untuk membuat atau menyeting sebuah router yang system operasinya menggunakan Mikrotik Router OS. Baiklah supaya tidak lama memakan waktu sebaiknya kita makan saja dulu he... :D ,

Langkahnya adalah sebagai berikut :

Buat dulu ip address yang akan di jadikan sebagai ip yang akan di berikan ke client, perintahnya dengan mengetikan sebagai berikut.

[admin@projas] > ip address add address= interface=ether2
Membuat address pool untuk membuat address pool kita ketikan perintah berikut,
[admin@projas] > ip pool add name=dhcp-pool ranges=
Kemudian ketikan perintah berikut.
[admin@projas] > ip dhcp-server network add address= gateway=
Tentukan interface yang dipergunakan dan aktifkan DHCP Server.
[admin@projas] > ip dhcp-server add interface=ether2 address-pool=dhcp-pool disable=no
Kemudian kita lihat setingan IP DHCP yang sudah kita buat tadi dengan perintah.
[admin@projas] > ip dhcp-server print
Flags: X - disabled, I - invalid
0 dhcp1 ether2
Nah sekarang IP DHCP kita sudah selesai si setting, sekarang kita cek di komputer Client dengan merubah IP mereka menjadi DHCP. Apabila IP mereka di isi sesuai dengan IP settingan kita di Mikrotik, berarti IP DHCP di Router kita sudah jalan. Terima kasih sudah membaca.

Mac Or Windows - Which Operating System Is Right For Us ?

The Windows platform is considerably the more dominant operating system on the market these days, but does that make it better?  Apple has a monopoly over the digital music world and has revolutionized the cell phone and tablet industries, but what about their computers?  Are they actually relevant and deserve your attention?  The short answer is ‘yes' – if you haven't done so before, you should consider a Mac as a sincere alternative.

Microsoft made itself a household name with DOS and Windows by allowing 3rd party companies to design software and hardware for their specific platform.  This resulted in a flood of products for the Windows operating system, which provided their customers near unlimited customization and potential.  However, there is a major drawback with too many developers creating too many products – most components are designed without each other in mind.  The resulting incompatibilities cause system crashes, data loss and incessant headache.  This was true especially in the beginning, but things have improved a bit as time has passed.

Apple took the completely opposite approach.  Keeping all product development in-house, everything works extremely well together but the customer can suffer as the majority of software out there is not available on the Mac.  Mainstream titles such as Quickbooks, Photoshop and even Microsoft Office are available in Mac versions, but chances are that less popular titles cannot be found.  It is this fact that has kept Apple computers out of the majority of the homes in the US – a lack of the software prevalence that Microsoft enjoys.  This is unfortunate – in this writer's humble opinion, Apple by far has the better operating system and user experience, an incredible success mitigated by a lack of accessory.  Apple is also the platform of choice for the majority of professional graphic designers and video editors.

Microsoft has grown into its dominant position by combining a powerful operating system with an expansive software market.  While Windows has wide applicability, it is inherently not as stable and as well refined as Apple's OS.  As evidenced by their innovations in the music, cellular and tablet markets, Apple is a company of fresh thinkers and game changers; while Microsoft's recent history appears to reflect a modus operandi of assimilation and imitation.  Buyers who are interested in a reliable and competitive alternative should definitely give Mac computers a second look.

Oh, and for the record, I am a Windows user, while my wife and brother-in-law are die-hard Apple fans.

Choose Mac or PC

One of the most common ongoing debates in the computer world is "Mac vs. PC." Macs, produced by Apple, have often been used in the design world, with the PC (running the Windows operating system) dominating most of the business world. When looking at the two for graphic design work, the focus is on the handling of graphics, color, and type, the availability of software, and overall ease of use.
The handling of graphics, color and type is a significant portion of a graphic designer's job. Because of Apple's long history of being the "designer's computer," they have focused on improving their handling of colors and fonts, especially when going from screen and file to print. If you had to choose between a Mac and a PC on this factor alone, Apple has the edge. However, the same results can be achieved on a PC. For web design, neither wins out, though be sure to have access to both operating systems to test your sites across all platforms.

Mac vs. PC Software

As far as graphic design is concerned, there is no significant difference in the software available for the Mac or PC. All of the major applications, including the Adobe Creative Suite, are developed for both platforms. Because the Mac is often considered the designer's computer, there are some handy tools and applications that are Mac-only. Overall, there is more software available for the PC, especially if you are focused on a particular industry, gaming or 3-D renderings (such as for architecture).

Ease of Use

Apple has clearly focused their operating system on ease of use, introducing new features with each release that improve the user experience. Their integration from application to application enables a clean workflow. While this is most apparent in their consumer applications such as iPhoto and iMovie, it continues through to professional tools and third-party products. While Microsoft has improved the user experience in the Windows operating system, I would give the edge to Apple on ease of use.

Mac vs. PC Conclusion

Generally, "Macs" are mentioned in the same sentence as "graphic design," and rightfully so for their excellent graphics and font capabilities, and ease of use. The drawback of the Apple used to be the price, but if you do want a Mac and are tight on budget consider the "consumer" level iMac, which is powerful enough for graphic design tasks, or a refurbished model. In the end, especially when starting out, you will probably do just as well with a PC. With some smart shopping you can get a powerful one for less money than a Mac, and you will be using the same design software… your creativity, and not the cost of your computer, will determine the outcome of your work.

 Therefore, choose Mac or PC all depends on what's purpose for you.


The Windows Registry - How to Fix It when it goes wrong

From the advent of the internet almost the entire population of the world knows how to use a PC. But sadly, only a few can be said to be literate enough to know how to fix any real problems that arise.
Normally, when computer basics are learned and mastered, hardly are there to continually keep abreast with the core functionality and mechanism of a PC. As a result, proper care and maintenance are overlooked. Rarely are even familiar with computer registry. It is a shame calling yourself computer savvy when one of the most important devices of your personal computer is alien to you.
Aside from the computer hardware and software, the windows registry precisely performs a big job in your computers operation. When you experience PC malfunctions and errors, you might have heard about computer registry errors causing the problem, or been advised to clean your windows registry to get to the bottom of the computer problem.
The mechanism of a computer registry is not as simple as it sounds. Before attempting to follow any guide, first, you must formally understand what a computer registry really is.
What is the windows registry?
Naturally, when you are really unfamiliar with your computer parts and their respective functions, you get totally struck with the efficient performance of your computer. Basically, one of the things that only delight you is the computer registry.
The computer registry is the controller of your computer. It functions as storage of every command and action you make to your computer. Needless to say, it intelligently follows and records each and every directive you make. It makes the computer operating system to function. Principally, the computer registry is a database that regulates the entire computer system. This database can give you the best computer system experience but it can also give you the worst.
When you get errors in the computer registry your computer simply breaks down without notice.
This is really alarming but it can be reversed easily. A regular registry cleanup can help you prevent this problem. But you must be careful in doing this, especially when you do the cleaning manually. Erroneously deleting a wrong file or registry keys will damage your registry and your operating system.
If you get problems with your windows registry there are inexpensive but effective system and registry cleaners that will automatically fix your computer registry. Registry cleaners will do the risky job for you. All you have to do is to download a free trial and scan your computer to see if there any registry errors at all.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Reset Password Bios Notebook Acer

Sebenarnya ini adalah kejadian yang nyata yang sudah saya alami, pernahkah anda mengalami pengalaman seperti saya ini ?. Begini ceritanya, waktu itu saya di suruh Pak Guru buat instal ulang laptopnya yang OS nya itu sudah rusak, alias sudah banyak terinfeksi virus. Nah waktu itu juga aku langsung siap-siap buat nginstall ulang tu Laptop dengan OS Windows XP SP2. Tapi pas saya mau cek boot pertamanya itu kemana, saya kan masuk BIOS nah tapi yang terjadi adalah BIOS nya itu di password. Setelah itu saya langsung menanyakannya pada Pak Guru yang punya laptop. Tapi yang punya laptop pun gak tau apa itu password BIOS nya. Wah pekerjaan berat nih..

Setelah beberapa kali di googling sampe lewat tengah malem, dan ahirnya aku temukan apa yang aku cari tentang bagaimana menjebol password BIOS. Makasih buat mamas86 yang dah saring informasinya. Dan berikut adalah langkah langkahnya :
( Dalam hal ini yang di gunakan adalah notebook ACER )

1. Download file BIOS_PW.EXE dari internet
2. Jalankan BIOS_PW.EXE lewat DOS ( CMD ) ( misal file BIOS_PW.EXE ada di drive D: )

3. Masukkan kode, caranya saat mau masuk bios tekan F2 lalu ENTER beberrapa kali hingga muncul kodenya. Nah kode ini yang di masukkan… Kemudian tekan ENTER

4. Coba masukkan salah satu dari kode yang muncul tadi ke password bios

NB : Untuk menjalankan BIOS_PW.exe harus di komputer lain yang normal

Download disini. ( Password winrar: )

Mudah-mudahan membantu.

Blokir Situs di Mikrotik

Pertama-tama aku mu ucapin terima kasih buat teman-teman yang sudah membantu saya untuk belajar sama-sama tentang cara memblok situs di Mikrotik, terutama yang ada hubungannya dengan situs-situs porno, yang sekarang ini semakin hari semakin banyak saja. Bagi anda yang punya warnet atau Lab Komputer di Sekolah, pasti takut pasilitas internet kita di pakai dengan tidak semestinya. Bisa itu browsing ke situs-situs yang berbau pornografi dan lain sebagainya.... Jangan merasa was-was karena disini saya akan mencoba menjelaskan tentang bagaimana cara memblok situs di Mikrotik. Pada pembahasan sebelumnya saya sudah menjelaskan tentang bagaimana cara menginstal Mikrotik Router OS. Kalo anda belum membacanya silahkan klik di sini untuk membaca tutorial tentang Membuat router menggunakan Mikrotik Router OS. Kalau anda sudah membacanya, sekarang saya akan menjelaskannya :

Langkah-langkahnya :
  1. Login ke Mikrotik anda dengan biasa, dengan mengitikan user admin dan masukan passwordnya **********
  2. Setelah itu anda ketikan kode berikut :
[admin@KKPI] ip web-proxy&gt; set enabled=yes port=8080 max-object-size=131072 hostname=admin transparent-proxy=yes
Kemudian ketikan kode berikut:
    [admin@KKPI]>ip web-proxy print , Maka akan muncul kata-kata berikut :
    enabled: yes
    port: 8080
    hostname: 83h0m8
    transparent-proxy: yes
    max-object-size: 131072 KiB
    cache-drive: system
    max-cache-size: none
    max-ram-cache-size: unlimited
    status: running
    reserved-for-cache: 3514368KiB
    reserved-for-ram-cache: 19456KiB
    4.  Dan untuk membuat transparent ketikan kode berikut :
      [admin@KKPI]>ip firewall nat
      add chain=dstnat protocol=tcp dst-port=80 action=redirect to-ports=8080
      5.  Nah sekarang buat rule di firewall filter agar tidak jdi open proxy, ketikan kode berikut :

      [admin@KKPI]>ip firewall filter add chain=input in-interface= "interface dari internet" src-address= protocol=tcp dst-port=8080 action=drop "Interface dari internet disini adalah nama interface di Router anda yang terhubung ke Internet, contoh : speedy"
      6.  Dan sekarang kita masukan rule untuk mem-block situs-nya..!! Misal kita akan memblok situs ""maka ketikan kode berikut :
      [admin@KKPI]>ip web-proxy access
      add url="" action=deny comment="" disabled=no
      7. Dan seterusnya....
      Nah jika kita ingin mem-block situs dengan cara "kata2 tertentu akan kita block, contoh kita akan block kata "sex" maka ketikan kode berikut :
      [admin@KKPI]>ip web-proxy access
      add url="sex" action=deny comment="" disabled=no
      8. Selesai sudah pembahasan kali ini, mudah-mudahan bisa bermanfaat. Apabila ada kesalahan mohon untuk di maklumi namanya juga newbie.....

      Transformers 3 Diputar di Indonesia

      Transformers 3 Diputar di Indonesia, Apakah Transformers 3 Diputar di Indonesia ?. Kita tunggu saja nanti.
      Berikut adalah trailernya :

      Arsenal close in on Bolton defender Gary Cahill as Tottenham's bid to hijack move falters

      The Gunners are in pole position to land the England international as Cahill is understood to favor a move to the Emirates Stadium.

      Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger hopes to complete the deal by the end of the week although the Gunners are hoping to haggle the price down from the 17 million pounds release clause in Cahill's contract.

      Cahill, 25, is in line to join Arsenal despite late interest from its north London rivals Spurs, who have proposed player-plus-cash deals including Robbie Keane, Jermaine Jenas and Sebastien Bassong.

      But Spurs boss Harry Redknapp looks set to fail in his bid to hijack the move as Cahill wants to test himself in the Champions League. He is also ready to snub interest from Manchester City as he feels he will get more first-team opportunities at Arsenal.

      Both Wenger and Redknapp see Cahill as the type of uncompromising central defender who can help their side challenge for the Premier League title next season.

      As revealed earlier this month, Arsenal chief executive Ivan Gazidis had a private lunch with Bolton counterpart Phil Gartside at the two-day Premier League AGM in Doncaster and spoke about Cahill.

      A move for Cahill would smash Arsenal's transfer record and Bolton are ready to cash in on their prize asset after their last set of financial accounts revealed debts of £93m.

      Cahill could be joined at Arsenal by Blackburn captain Christopher Samba as Wenger looks to add much-needed steel to his squad having identified central defence as the weak point in his side.

      Cahill joined Bolton from Aston Villa for 5 million pounds in January 2008 and has produced consistently excellent performances at the Reebok Stadium, resulting in three England caps.

      Britney Spears "I Wanna Go" Song

      "I Wanna Go" is a song by American recording artist Britney Spears. It was added to mainstream radio playlists in the United States as the third single from her seventh studio album, Femme Fatale. The song was written by Shellback, Max Martin and Savan Kotecha, while being produced by Martin and Shellback. Spears first posted a snippet of the track in February 2011, prior to the album's release. "I Wanna Go" is a dance-pop and Hi-NRG song that includes elements of techno and a heavy bassline. Accompanied with a whistled melody and stuttering vocals, the song's lyrics feature Spears singing about losing inhibitions. "I Wanna Go" received mixed to positive reviews from critics. Some praised the track for being effective and highlighted its hook, while others dismissed the vocals as processed. "I Wanna Go" charted due to digital sales following the release of Femme Fatale in the lower regions of the US Billboard Hot 100 and the Canadian Hot 100, and also topped the South Korean International chart for three consecutive weeks.

      The song later charted in France and New Zealand. Spears has performed "I Wanna Go" at the Femme Fatale Tour (2011). An accompanying music video for the song, directed by Chris Marrs Piliero, premiered on June 22, 2011. It depicts Spears daydreaming at a press conference about a series of events, including being chased by paparazzi cyborgs and being rescued by actor Guillermo Díaz. Piliero explained the video as "a ridiculous, exaggerated rumor about her life and career." The video references films such as Half Baked, Crossroads, Terminator 2: Judgement Day and Michael Jackson's Thriller. It received positive reviews from critics, who praised its fun spirit. "I Wanna Go" was written by Shellback, Max Martin, and Savan Kotecha, while being produced by Martin and Shellback. It was registered on Broadcast Music Incorporated under the legal title "I I I WANNA GO O O".

      Britney Spears "I Wanna Go" Song

      On February 22, 2011, Spears posted on her Twitter account a link to a 29-second clip of the song, while calling Martin "amazing". In an interview with Rolling Stone in March 2011, Spears stated that the song's signature whistle gets her "every time [she] hears it", adding that Martin's melodies are "incredible. [...] Who would have thought of that? There is nobody I feel more comfortable collaborating with in the studio." Kotecha spoke to Digital Spy about the song on May 3, 2011, stating that he had written it "about a year and a half ago" and it was likely a future single due to the positive reaction. A poll in which fans would choose the third single was launched on May 11, 2011. Two days later, "I Wanna Go" was officially announced as the third single from Femme Fatale by Jive Records through a press release. The cover art was revealed on June 6, 2011, and featured Spears on the music video set, wearing colored hair extensions and a top with a skeletal Mickey Mouse. On the week of April 3, 2011, "I Wanna Go" debuted at number seventy-three on the US Billboard Hot 100, while reaching number fifty-two on the Hot Digital Songs component chart, and number sixty on Canadian Hot 100 on the week of April 16, 2011, due to strong digital sales on the same week of the album's release. After its release as a single, it debuted at number 37 on the US Pop Chart on the week of July 2, 2011. The same week, it re-entered the Billboard Hot 100 at number 89. It also debuted at number one on South Korea's GAON International Chart, remaining on the same position for three consecutive weeks.

      The video begins at a press conference where Spears, wearing a cropped Mickey Mouse top (paying homage to her days in The New Mickey Mouse Club), is being asked ridiculous questions such as, "Is it true you banned junk food, smiles, candy, sunshine and laughter from your Femme Fatale tour?". Fed up, Spears says to the reporters: "Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, you're cool, fuck you – I'm out", referencing a scene of the film Half Baked (1998). She steps out onto the street, wearing a white leather jacket and black frilly skirt matched with studded combat boots. She signs a fan's copy of Femme Fatale and then blows a kiss to a baby as he whistles the melody of the chorus. She keeps walking and flashes several men, including a policeman. He searches her feeling up and down her legs, while she is bent over a car. Spears later walks away from the policeman, swinging handcuffs around her finger while he buttons his shirt.

      She continues walking down the street, where she smashes the camera of a paparazzi that takes pictures of her. More paparazzi appear and she runs off, jumping up on top of a taxi. Spears then stands atop of it, wielding the microphone as a weapon against the paparazzi. Across the street, a marquee of the cinema besides her Crossroads 2: Cross Harder, referencing her film debut Crossroads (2002). After all the paparazzi, revealed to be cyborgs, have been knocked to the floor, they start crawling back with their eyes glowing red and their faces bursting with wires, similar to a scene in Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991). A car suddenly pulls up and Guillermo Díaz tells her to enter it. In the next scene, Spears dances in the passenger seat in a pink bikini top, while Guillermo drives and pours a carton of milk over his face. His chest starts to spark, and Spears pulls open his jacket to reveal that he is also a cyborg. The video then cuts back to the press conference signaling Spears was daydreaming. Guillermo steps in and leads Spears out of the room. He turns to to the camera with his eyes glowling red, and his laugh is heard, referencing Michael Jackson's Thriller (1983).

      The music video for "I Wanna Go" was directed by Chris Marrs Piliero and filmed in Los Angeles, California. In an interview with the New York Post, Piliero explained that Spears contacted him and asked him to put together a concept for the video. He stated that main idea came from the lyric "be a little inappropiate", saying, "That stood out but I didn't want to make a video that was all about sexual inappropriateness – that wasn't the vibe that either of us wanted. We were on the same page about exploring fun ways for her to be inappropriate. She's Britney Spears – how would you react if you asked for an autograph and she grabbed your ass?!?". Regarding not making "just another paparazzi video", Piliero commented that he watched all of Spears's videos and wanted to pull what he loved from them, but also give it something fresh.

      He said, "One thing that stood out to me was all her references to the paparazzi were always more of a statement than an action. She'd never embraced the opportunity to lash out, fight back. I thought this was the perfect chance to be tongue in cheek but also get her to say 'f[uck] off!'". Piliero wrote the opening press conference scene not knowing if Spears would approve it, but was "stoked at how game she was." He explained that, having seen her on How I Met Your Mother and Saturday Night Live, he felt that none of her videos had really taken advantage of her comedic timing. "She never had a music video where she could show her acting chops and have fun with comedy while being super badass. That was my goal from day one: I wanted her to be funny, badass and super cool", said Piliero. He also stated that the Crossroads reference "[i]s a fun Easter egg for fans. Plus, Die Hard 2: Die Harder is the most ridiculously awesome way to title a sequel. It just felt like the right thing to do. When Britney saw it, she loved it."

      This Is The Reason Nokia Has Yet To Launch A Tablet

      Singapore, — farther and another vendors launched the tablet produce. However, Nokia inasmuch as far is consistent with the mobile phone and smartphone commodities. In the Nokia Connection 2011, Nokia mobile phone lines and consequently launch a smartphone, experienced has been no notation of particle launch of a tablet.

       Nokia Doyen and CEO Stephen Elop, in an stopover with in the Nokia Connection 2011, Tuesday ( 9 / 6 / 2011 ), explained, " I recognize the tablet is identical striking. But, for far Nokia has yet to have a game plan to launch a tablet. We drudgery bare carefully in the aftermath of the market. " Elops explains, " we have to execute contrastive things. Anyway if we view at Indonesia marketplace, what is absolutely pleasing. "

       Elop uttered, in many countries, the community has not yet reached by the tablet. The tablet itself is unparalleled a few merchandise rubric, spell others have not been many responded. Elop says that Nokia hoist other strategies. One of them is developing mobile rates are affordable, but still could gravy extended. " We publicize mobile with lofty capability. Then, we again serve a paired SIM button down which charge express used tender, " take apart Elop.

       Meanwhile, Nokia also continued to focus their efforts on innovation technology devices. Elop Express, one of his accomplishments is the introduction of the Nokia N9 in Nokia Connection today. " We do innovation. This is a form of disruptive technology. We will do continue and you will see the development of other forwards, " said Elop.

       Elop admits that competition in the business of mobile devices are indeed high. However, he is confident. " Nokia is in a strong position at this time. We know a lot of challenges, but we are strong in distribution and sales. Therefore, we are very confident, " he said. In product innovation, Elop says that the product should be beautiful and useful.

       In the Nokia Connection 2011, Nokia introduced several new products, including Nokia N9. In addition, there is also a dual SIM card phones, like Nokia C2 - 02, Siemens C2 - 03, and Nokia C2 - 06. Both will be launched this year. Nokia also plans to launch 10 device with the Symbian platform Anna in the 12 months ahead.

      Google U. s. Federal Trade Commission Review

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       NHK announcement agency announce, Saturday ( 25 / 6 ), in his certified site, Google acknowledged his company ' s function practices are on the bottom of the FTC investigation. " Google will performance with the FTC over the nearest few months, " he wrote in the authenticated site of Google.

       The examination will converse Google ' s evidence in the company of other taken tekhnologi. Google accused of being conquered and eliminated the persaiangan with other search engines.

       Google safe himself by saying if User. Google stated, the habit of search engines is the option for users to get information, even though many other options available.

      4 Cara Agar Mempunyai Banyak Teman

      TRIBUNNEWS.COM - Anda heran mengapa ada orang yang begitu mudah berteman? Bahkan, ketika sedang menunggu giliran masuk ke ruang dokter, misalnya, tiba-tiba Anda menyadari teman Anda ini sudah ngobrol dengan semua orang di ruang tunggu. Mereka bahkan saling menyebut nama dan ngobrol seolah dengan teman lama.

      Laura Gilbert, penulis freelance di sejumlah media seperti Maxim, Health, The Knot, dan Stuff, mengatakan, ada beberapa hal yang membuat orang mudah berteman dengan orang yang baru dijumpai. Anda bisa mencuri kiat-kiat yang mereka lakukan, lalu mengubah cara tersebut menjadi sifat-sifat Anda yang alami.
      Berikut adalah 4 cara jitu agar punya banyak teman:

      1. Tersenyum dan melambaikan tangan
      Apa salahnya melontarkan senyuman lebih dulu pada orang yang sedang berpapasan dengan Anda? Gengsi, karena orang itu yunior Anda di kantor? Atau takut dikira naksir? Sudahlah, buang jauh-jauh pikiran tersebut. Tak usah takut bila Anda memberi pesan bahwa Anda ingin ngobrol dengannya, atau ingin tahu siapa dia. Tersenyumlah, lambaikan tangan, anggukkan kepala, apa saja yang memberi kesan Anda orang yang ramah.

      Bila Anda bertemu seseorang yang tak dikenal, memberikan senyum juga akan membuatnya tahu bahwa ia boleh bercakap-cakap dengan Anda. Coba cara ini setiap kali Anda keluar dari rumah, misalnya, pada orang yang biasa Anda temui di kereta komuter, ibu-ibu di sebelah Anda yang sedang menawar harga barang di pasar, bahkan pada anak-anak yang sedang bermain. Setelah terbiasa melontarkan senyum, hal ini akan menjadi kebiasaan baru yang terjadi secara alami.

      2. Membuka pembicaraan
      Lagi-lagi, apa salahnya berbicara lebih pada orang yang belum Anda kenal? Setiap orang bisa saja menjawab pertanyaan, atau memberi respons pada komentar seseorang, tapi orang yang mudah berteman adalah yang biasa mengajak bercakap lebih dulu.

      Menurut Susan RoAne, penulis How to Create Your Own Luck and What Do I Say Next, rahasia orang yang mudah berteman adalah menganggap hal-hal di sekitarnya sebagai peluang untuk mulai berbicara, dan bukannya menunggu disapa.

      Untuk memecahkan keheningan atau suasana kaku dengan orang yang belum Anda kenal, mulailah dengan orang-orang yang jarang Anda ajak bicara. Misalnya, perempuan di antrean belakang Anda di konter check in bandara, atau bahkan CEO perusahaan yang tidak pernah Anda jumpai sehari-hari. Jangan menjadikan "tugas" ini sebagai beban. Tetap jadilah diri Anda sendiri. "Anda harus nyaman saat melakukannya. Kalau Anda harus berpikir apa yang harus dikatakan, Anda akan merasa ragu, dan momen itu akan lenyap," kata RoAne.

      3. Gunakan pertanyaan terbuka
      Ngomong-ngomong, apa sih yang bisa menjadi bahan pembicaraan dengan orang yang baru dikenal? Cari topik yang sama-sama Anda ketahui atau Anda rasakan di sekitar Anda. Misalnya, soal cuaca yang panas, atau billboard iklan yang menampakkan wajah bintang favorit Anda. Atau, topik yang sedang hangat dibicarakan di siaran televisi, misalnya, tentang pembatasan kendaraan pada jam-jam sibuk, atau soal program sale di berbagai mal di Jakarta.

      Agar pembicaraan tidak sekadar menjadi basa-basi, tanyakan pendapat teman baru Anda itu. Lemparkan sebuah topik yang jawabannya akan lebih panjang daripada sekadar "ya" dan "tidak". Misalnya, Anda sedang berbelanja di supermarket. Ketimbang hanya mengatakan, "Waduh, mahalnya...", lebih baik tunjukkan kepedulian Anda dengan mengatakan, "Ya ampun, kayak gini harganya Rp 100.000? Apanya yang bikin mahal? Memangnya ini merek terkenal, ya?"

      4. Berhenti bicara pada waktunya
      Tidak ada orang yang senang mendengarkan orang lain yang hanya membicarakan dirinya sendiri. Maka, Anda harus tahu kapan harus berhenti dan memberi kesempatan orang tersebut bicara. Jangan lupa, setiap orang pasti senang bila dianggap memiliki pengetahuan yang luas. Tak usah meminta pendapatnya soal kebijakan pemerintah mengenai sesuatu hal. Saat Anda berada di kedai kopi, misalnya, coba minta pendapat orang di sebelah Anda, apa minuman yang cocok untuk Anda yang sebenarnya tak begitu suka kopi. Ia pasti akan senang memberitahukan informasi tersebut pada Anda.

      Bila suatu saat Anda berkesempatan membuka obrolan dengan seseorang yang baru Anda kenal, lontarkan sedikitnya tiga pertanyaan. Hal itu akan memberikan celah pada orang lain untuk terbuka pada Anda, dan merasa dihargai. Ketika mereka merasa dihargai, mereka pasti akan berusaha ngobrol lebih banyak bersama Anda.


      Kelebihan Google Yang Belum Anda Ketahui

      Mungkin semua orang tau Google, para pengguna internet dipastikan mengenal situs pencarian yang satu ini. Kemampuannya dalam melakukan pencarian di dunia maya, menjadikan Google sebagai 'Raja Pencari' dunia maya. Google yang telah dikenal sebagai situs pencari internet terbesar di dunia, ternyata memiliki fungsi atau pun manfaat lain, selain sebagai mesin pencari tentu saja, yang mungkin tidak diketahui oleh sebagian besar pengguna Google. Inilah 10 tips dan trik serta fungsi yang bisa Anda gunakan pada Google yang CBN kutip dari :
      1. Definisi.
      Mesin pencari Google dapat Anda gunakan untuk mencari definisi dari kata yang Anda inginkan. Caranya: ketik pada kolom pencarian Google kata 'define', kemudian tambahkan dengan kalimat yang Anda inginkan, contoh: define bravura, maka Google akan mendefinisikan kalimat tersebut untuk Anda. 

      2. Pencarian lokal.
      Mesin pencari ini dapat Anda gunakan untuk mencari sesuatu yang bersifat lokal. Caranya: kunjungi kanal 'Google Local' di mesin pencari Google, kemudian tekan masuk ke area dimana Anda ingin mencari, kemudian masukkan kata kunci. Contoh: restaurant. 

      3. Pencarian nomor telepon.
      Caranya, masukkan nomor telepon dan kode areanya secara lengkap, maka Google akan memberikan berbagai hal yang berhubungan dengan nomor tersebut, seperti nama dan alamat. 

      4. Mengetahui ramalan cuaca.
      Ketik 'weather' pada kolom pencarian Google diikuti dengan kode pos dari kota yang ingin Anda ketahui berkaitan dengan cuaca di kota tersebut. 

      5. Mencari jadwal penerbangan.
      Masukkan nama dari maskapai penerbangan dan nomor penerbangan, maka Google akan memberikan status dan jadwal dari maskapai penerbangan tersebut. 

      6. Melacak paket.
      Masukkan nomor dan nama paket dari perusahaan jasa pengiriman yang Anda gunakan, seperti UPS, FedEX atau UPS untuk mencari lokasi dari paket Anda. 

      7. Pages linked to you.
      Tips ini untuk melihat dan mengetahui situs atau blog yang secara langsung memiliki link ke situs milik Anda. Contoh: link:

      8. Mencari file PDF.
      Ketik 'filetype:pdf' pada kolom pencarian Google, sehingga hanya tipe file PDF saja yang akan ditampilkan. 

      9. Kalkulator.
      Selain melakukan pencarian, mesin pencari Google bisa Anda manfaatkan untuk menampilkan hasil dari fungsi matematika. Contoh, ketik 200 + 100 di kolom pencarian maka Google akan menampilkan hasilnya. 

      10. Saham.
      Mesin pencari Google juga dapat menampilkan harga, statistik, dan hal yang berkaitan dengan saham di bursa. Contoh, ketik: msft, maka Google akan menampilkan Microsoft.

      Britney Spears "Till The World Ends" Song

      "Till the World Ends" is a song by American recording artist Britney Spears. It was released as the second single from her seventh studio album, Femme Fatale. "Till the World Ends" was written by Dr. Luke, Alexander Kronlund, Max Martin and Kesha, while being produced by Dr. Luke, Max Martin and Billboard. The main inspiration of the song for Kesha was imagining Spears and any other female musicians touring the world. "Till the World Ends" was leaked on March 3, 2011, and was released for digital download the following day. The song is composed as an uptempo dance-pop and electropop song with an electro beat and a chant-like chorus, where Spears sings about dancing until the end of the world. "Till the World Ends" received mostly positive reviews, with critics calling it a catchy dance track and complimenting its anthemic nature. A Bollywood remix of "Till the World Ends" was done by Indian music producer duo Salim and Sulaiman Merchant.

      The Femme Fatale Remix of the song, featuring rapper Nicki Minaj and Kesha, was released on April 25, 2011. The remix adds a rap by Minaj at the beginning, new vocals by Kesha and a dubstep breakdown. The Femme Fatale Remix received mixed reviews from critics, with some complimenting the diversity of the group and Minaj's rap, while others criticized the addition of Kesha. "Till the World Ends" became a commercial success, charting within the top twenty in many countries worldwide, while peaking inside the top ten in nations such as Australia, Canada, France, New Zealand and the United States. The Femme Fatale Remix propelled the single to the top five in Canada and the United States. An accompanying music video for the song was released on April 6, 2011. Directed by Ray Kay, it portrays Spears in an underground dance party set on December 21, 2012. Critics noted the similarities with the music video for "I'm a Slave 4 U" (2001), and predominantly gave positive reviews for it. A choreography cut was released on April 15, 2011. Spears has performed "Till the World Ends" on television shows Good Morning America and Jimmy Kimmel Live!, and she performed the song with Minaj at the 2011 Billboard Music Awards.

      Britney Spears "Till The World Ends" Song

      In an interview with Spin on February 11, 2011, Kesha announced she had co-written a song with Dr. Luke and Max Martin titled "Till the World Ends" for Femme Fatale. She explained that the song was inspired by "me imagining [Spears] and any female musician touring the world", adding that "when you got [sic] out, and you're having an amazing, magical night and you don't want to go to sleep and you want it to last until the world ends." On March 2, 2011, the single's cover art, in which Spears appears sitting on a couch in a sweater and heels, was posted at This was followed by a 30-second snippet of the song, which appeared at "Till the World Ends" leaked online on March 3, 2011, which prompted Spears to post hours later on her Twitter account, "Looks like the cat's out of the bag..." She formally premiered the single at On Air with Ryan Seacrest, on March 4, 2011, at 10:00 EST (15:00 UTC). "Till the World Ends" was made available on iTunes the same day, several days earlier than originally planned. Following the announcement, Kesha spoke to MTV News stating that "I consider myself a songwriter before and above everything else, so it's an honor to write for one of pop music's biggest icons." During an interview with Seacrest, Spears described "Till the World Ends" as "fun. I like it. It's good energy. [...] I'm a vibe person, and I think I love good-mood songs, and if it puts me in a good mood, it clicks for me."

      "Till the World Ends" is an uptempo dance-pop and electropop song, with an electro beat and elements of trance and Eurodance. The song opens with sirens and a "sizzling" bassline. Spears delivers confident and breathy vocals, in lyrics such as "If you want this good shit / Sicker than the remix / Baby let me blow your mind tonight." In the chorus, the song slows down while Spears sings "I can't take it take it take no more / Never felt like felt like this before / Come on get me get me on the floor / DJ what you what you waiting for?". The 4:3 cross-rhythm of the melody continues into a chant-like segment, in which "whoa-oh-oh-oh" is repeated. The bit was compared by Scott Shettler of AOL to the "rapid word repetition" of Kesha. Gerrick Kennedy of the Los Angeles Times stated that like her previous single "Hold It Against Me", "Spears's main intention with her new single seems to be keeping the dance floor pulsating with sweaty bodies". Jason Lipshutz of Billboard said the song recalls past hits by Taio Cruz, Robyn and Enrique Iglesias. Allison Stewart of The Washington Post felt the song was comparable to Iglesias' "Tonight (I'm Lovin' You)" (2010). According to the sheet music published at by Kobalt Music Publishing Inc., "Till the World Ends" is set in the compound meter time signature, with a moderate dance beat infused metronome of 132 beats per minute. It is composed in the key of C minor with Spears' vocals ranging from the low-key of Bb3 to the high-note of C5. Lyrically, the song talks about dancing until the end of the world

      Bill Lamb of commented that the song would "sound solid on the radio and bring crowds to the dance floor," but when compared to "Hold It Against Me", it was much more safe and not as innovative. Jed Gottlieb of the Boston Herald gave the song a B+, saying that "pop fans always need a huge hook, catchy chorus and break-it-down-build-it-up bridge. This song’s got all three". Edna Gundersen of USA Today called it "a sleek and impossibly catchy slab", and said that although the song is unmistakable Luke, Spears "holds her own with confident, kittenish vocals." Allison Stewart of The Washington Post stated the track "is Spears's most joyously danceable track in a long time." Sal Cinquemani of Slant Magazine compared to Kesha's "Blow" (2011), saying that the tracks "[are] so similar [...] that I can't decide which one I like more—or if I even like them at all." Popjustice also compared it to "Blow", but said "Till the World Ends" was not as good.

      Caryn Ganz of Spin named it "her first truly synapse-sizzling single since 'Toxic.'" Kevin Ritchie of Now stated that "Wannabe World Cup anthem Till The World Ends kicks things off with an aura of pounding, Euro dance euphoria." David Buchanan of Consequence of Sound commented that "Till the World Ends", "Hold It Against Me" and "Inside Out" "simultaneously send Spears back to basics vocally, and into 2011 sonically." Rudy Klapper of Sputnikmusic said that the song "throbs with trance-y synths, a thumping electro beat that is pure sex and a chorus that goes and goes as only the best club hits can do, sensible lyrics be damned." Evan Sawdey of Popmatters said that "Till the World Ends" sets the pace of Femme Fatale, while calling it "a stadium-rocking pop anthem." Andy Gill of The Independent selected the song along with "Criminal" as the download picks of the album. Keith Caulfield of Billboard criticized the song's lyrics, saying they have "been echoed incessantly over the past year in countless Hot 100 top ten hits: dance until you drop from exhaustion." The chorus, he commented, "comes on hard like its the sexy spawn of Usher's 'OMG' and Baltimora's 'Tarzan Boy"

      A remixed version of "Till the World Ends", featuring Kesha and rapper Nicki Minaj, was leaked online on April 22, 2011. The same day, three countdowns with lines of the song appeared on the official websites of Spears, Kesha and Minaj. The Femme Fatale Remix was released on iTunes on April 25, 2011. The same day, Spears uploaded a picture of the cover art to her Twitter account. Kesha told MTV News, "I'm a massive fan of both the ladies I share the track with. I wrote 'TTWE' for Britney [...] and she killed it and I loved it, but I just thought a supergroup of three hot, strong women could just take over the airwaves." The remix adds heavier bass during the beginning, and starts with Minaj rapping with intensity about a female hater, in lines such as "Told you they'd revive your career, but somebody lied/ I ain't talkin' poultry when I say this chicken's fried." This continues by Spears singing the first verse, after which Minaj says "It's Britney, bitch. I'm Nicki Minaj and that's Kesha!", and the first chorus is sung by the latter. Spears continues with the song and is accompanied by Kesha towards the end of the second verse and the bridge. The remix also features a dubstep breakdown, reminiscent of "Hold It Against Me".