MikroTik RouterOS ™ is an operating system and which can be used to make computers even become a reliable network routers, covering the full range of features for network and wireless.
As usual to install an operating system, we must first set the first boot to CDROM, then we RouterOS its CD input. And the computer will direct booting to the CD.
1. Install the Mikrotik OS
- Follow instructions, use the next-next syndrome and default
- Install the main package, much better all the way packet marking (mark)
- After all the packages marked for install then press "I"
- Old Install ga normally until 15 minutes, more meaningful if it fails, repeat the initial step
- Once installed wrong, the PC restarts the login display will appear
2. Basic setting mikrotik
The initial steps of all steps is setting mikrotik ip configuration. It is intended that Mikrotik can be in remote and with Winbox and allows us to perform a variety of configurations.
- Login as the admin default password degan ga have to be filled immediately enter. Replace it with the ip address and interface that will be used to remotely while.
3. Setting by using the text mode.
Let's start with the assumption that the install was successful.
1. Install -> OK
2. Setting eth1 IP 222.124.xxx.xxx (from ISP), the command :
ip address add address 222.124.xxx.xxx netmask 255.255.255.xxx interface ether1
This IP is the public IP / IP existing Internet connection
3. Setting IP eth2, the command :
ip address add address netmask interface ether2
Local IP is your IP.
Now do a ping to and from another computer, after connect proceed to the next step, if not repeat from step No. 2.
4. Gateway Settings, command :
ip route add gateway = 222.124.xxx.xxx (from ISP)
5. Settings Primary DNS, command :
ip dns set primary-dns = (from ISP)
6. Setting Secondary DNS, command :
ip dns set secondary-dns = (from ISP)
7. Setting Routing masquerade to eth1, command :
ip firewall nat add chain = srcnat action = masquerade out-interface = ether1
For the last to do a test ping to the Gateway / to google.com, or if no reply then connect your Mikrotik dah ready to use. Alhamdulillah connect.
hopefully we can help ....
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Actually there are other ways to configure the Mikrotik Router OS, namely through Winbox. However, because the pictures so I sangheuk bayaknya to post them. But what's the app because you can download it here.
Expresikan your ability as well as possible, probably within you are immortal-hidden talent. OK .. zzZzzzzz
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